A Cognia Accredited and "A+ School of Excellence" | Tuition-Free Public Charter School | 24-25 School Year Applications Now Open A Cognia Accredited and "A+ School of Excellence" | Tuition-Free Public Charter School | 24-25 School Year Applications Now Open A Cognia Accredited and "A+ School of Excellence" | Tuition-Free Public Charter School | 24-25 School Year Applications Now Open


A messaging application for students, parents, and teachers to communicate. All homework, assignments, and important notifications from Mrs. Andux will be posted here.

Each period has a specific Remind code:

Period 1: dchk2kf

Period 2: 7g26d36

Period 3: fba3b

Period 4: 6g2d4gg

Period 5: dd2k32c3

Period 6:68cd67f6

Period 8: 8e4dge


An on-line program used in class as well as homework to focus on specific weaknesses of each student to provide differentiated instruction.

Students must complete 2 passing assignments weekly. They have from Monday until Sunday midnight to do so. Assignments will be graded for completion and passing score as follows:

2 passing assignments- A
1 passing assignment - C
0 passing assignments but attempted= F
0 attempted assignments= Z

This is a weekly homework grade.

student log in info:
user name: first name+last name+student id# (ex. NiobisAndux123456)
pw: miami


A learning platform that personalizes instruction and homework, helping students achieve their academic goals in math at their own pace.


On-line, real time tracking system of student behaviors while in school.

student login-
user name: email
pw: hea1234

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